SUNDAY CHAPEL. Peace Sunday Observed. Dr. Luther Preaches. Trinity Tripod, October 6, 1914



SUNDAY CHAPEL. Peace Sunday Observed. Dr. Luther Preaches. Trinity Tripod, October 6, 1914


Summary of sermon given in the Chapel on Peace Sunday, regarding War in Europe. Browse the entire issue of the Tripod in the Digital Repository.


Trinity College


Trinity Tripod, October 6, 1914, page 2



Original Format




Peace Sunday Observed. Dr. Luther Preaches.

Dr. Luther's sermon on Sunday was of special interest and significance, to all who heard it, because of existing conditions in Europe.

President Wilson set aside last Sunday as a nation-wide day of prayer for peace in Europe, and in compliance with this command, Dr. Luther delivered a masterful sermon in which he showed how futile and useless is this nameless war. Kindled by a trivial occurrence in Austria, fanned into flame by the selfish greed of one man, and by diplomatic disagreements, this great war has grown until all Europe is now ablaze with the roaring flames of combat, which sweep resistlessly onward, leaving in their path only the charred ashes of desolation, destruction and sorrow, and all this for what purpose? Other wars have taken place, said the President, but they have been inspired by some great and noble cause, and from their remains has sprung the spirit of liberty and of new and better conditions. But from this great turmoil what good can come? Surely no benefit can result from a war involving millions of men, fighting blindly for an unknown cause.

The day of wars is not over; this will in all probability not be the last great conflict; but it is for us, as coming citizens of the United States, a nation which stands for liberty and peace, to do our best to the end that when another war does come, that it may be inspired by honest motives, by a nation and not by an individual, and that it may be a war in which righteous principles and not unscrupulous cupidity are at heart.


Trinity College, “SUNDAY CHAPEL. Peace Sunday Observed. Dr. Luther Preaches. Trinity Tripod, October 6, 1914,” Trinity College Library, accessed April 29, 2024,